Al realizar la instalación de OpenBSD desde un dispositivo USB Booteable, llega el momento de la instalación en que debe decidir entre 2 sets ("Location of sets") cd o disk y ftp o http para la instalación en red.
Algo parecido a esto:
Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [disk]
Is the disk partition already mounted? [no]
Avaliable disks are: sd0 wd0.
Which one contains the install media? (or 'done') [sd0]
mount_cd9660: /dev/sd0c on /mnt2: Invalid argument
Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [disk]
Is the disk partition already mounted? [yes]
Pathname to the sets? (or 'done') [5.9/i386]
The directory '5.9/i386' does not exist.
En este punto puede salir de la shell usando el comando "!" montar del dispositivo y volver a la shell tecleando exit:
Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [disk] !
# mount /dev/sd0i /mnt2
# exit
Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [disk]
Is the disk partition already mounted? [yes] yes
Pathname to the sets? (or 'done') [5.9/i386] /mnt2/5.9/i386
Fuente: OpenBSD archive
OpenBSD es genial!.
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